AI builds faster, with fewer errors, on Convex.
See AI Coding Benchmarksnpm install @convex-dev/rate-limiter
This component provides application-level rate limiting.
const rateLimiter = new RateLimiter(components.rateLimiter, {
freeTrialSignUp: { kind: "fixed window", rate: 100, period: HOUR },
sendMessage: { kind: "token bucket", rate: 10, period: MINUTE, capacity: 3 },
// Restrict how fast free users can sign up to deter bots
const status = await rateLimiter.limit(ctx, "freeTrialSignUp");
// Limit how fast a user can send messages
const status = await rateLimiter.limit(ctx, "sendMessage", { key: userId });
What is rate limiting?
Rate limiting is the technique of controlling how often actions can be performed, typically on a server. There are a host of options for achieving this, most of which operate at the network layer.
What is application-layer rate limiting?
Application-layer rate limiting happens in your app's code where you are handling authentication, authorization, and other business logic. It allows you to define nuanced rules, and enforce policies more fairly. It is not the first line of defense for a sophisticated DDOS attack (which thankfully are extremely rare), but will serve most real-world use cases.
What differentiates this approach?
.See the associated Stack post for more details and background.
You'll need an existing Convex project to use the component. Convex is a hosted backend platform, including a database, serverless functions, and a ton more you can learn about here.
Run npm create convex
or follow any of the quickstarts to set one up.
Install the component package:
npm install @convex-dev/rate-limiter
Create a convex.config.ts
file in your app's convex/
folder and install the component by calling use
// convex/convex.config.ts
import { defineApp } from "convex/server";
import rateLimiter from "@convex-dev/rate-limiter/convex.config";
const app = defineApp();
export default app;
import { RateLimiter, MINUTE, HOUR } from "@convex-dev/rate-limiter";
import { components } from "./_generated/api";
const rateLimiter = new RateLimiter(components.rateLimiter, {
// One global / singleton rate limit, using a "fixed window" algorithm.
freeTrialSignUp: { kind: "fixed window", rate: 100, period: HOUR },
// A per-user limit, allowing one every ~6 seconds.
// Allows up to 3 in quick succession if they haven't sent many recently.
sendMessage: { kind: "token bucket", rate: 10, period: MINUTE, capacity: 3 },
failedLogins: { kind: "token bucket", rate: 10, period: HOUR },
// Use sharding to increase throughput without compromising on correctness.
llmTokens: { kind: "token bucket", rate: 40000, period: MINUTE, shards: 10 },
llmRequests: { kind: "fixed window", rate: 1000, period: MINUTE, shards: 10 },
are milliseconds. MINUTE
above is 60000
.The token bucket
approach provides guarantees for overall consumption via the
per period
at which tokens are added, while also allowing unused
tokens to accumulate (like "rollover" minutes) up to some capacity
So if you could normally send 10 per minute, with a capacity of 20, then every
two minutes you could send 20, or if in the last two minutes you only sent 5,
you can send 15 now.
The fixed window
approach differs in that the tokens are granted all at once,
every period
milliseconds. It similarly allows accumulating "rollover" tokens
up to a capacity
(defaults to the rate
for both rate limit strategies).
You can specify a custom start
time if e.g. you want the period to reset at a
specific time of day. By default it will be random to help space out requests
that are retrying.
const { ok, retryAfter } = await rateLimiter.limit(ctx, "freeTrialSignUp");
is whether it successfully consumed the resourceretryAfter
is when it would have succeeded in the future.Note: If you have many clients using the retryAfter
to decide when to retry,
defend against a thundering herd
by adding some jitter.
Or use the reserve
functionality discussed below.
Use key
to use a rate limit specific to some user / team / session ID / etc.
const status = await rateLimiter.limit(ctx, "sendMessage", { key: userId });
By default, each call to limit
counts as one unit. Pass count
to customize.
// Consume multiple in one request to prevent rate limits on an LLM API.
const status = await rateLimiter.limit(ctx, "llmTokens", { count: tokens });
By default it will return { ok, retryAfter }
. To have it throw automatically
when the limit is exceeded, use throws
It throws a ConvexError
with RateLimitError
data (data: {kind, name, retryAfter}
instead of returning when ok
is false.
// Automatically throw an error if the rate limit is hit
await rateLimiter.limit(ctx, "failedLogins", { key: userId, throws: true });
const status = await rateLimiter.check(ctx, "failedLogins", { key: userId });
// Reset a rate limit on successful login
await rateLimiter.reset(ctx, "failedLogins", { key: userId });
// Use a one-off rate limit config (when not named on initialization)
const config = { kind: "fixed window", rate: 1, period: SECOND };
const status = await rateLimiter.limit(ctx, "oneOffName", { config });
When many requests are happening at once, they can all be trying to modify the same values in the database. Because Convex provides strong transactions, they will never overwrite each other, so you don't have to worry about the rate limiter succeeding more often than it should. However, when there is high contention for these values, it causes optimistic concurrency control conflicts. Convex automatically retries these a number of times with backoff, but it's still best to avoid them.
Not to worry! To provide high throughput, we can use a technique called "sharding" where we break up the total capacity into individual buckets, or "shards". When we go to use some of that capacity, we check a random shard1. While sometimes we'll get unlucky and get rate limited when there was capacity elsewhere, we'll never voilate the rate limit's upper bound.
const rateLimiter = new RateLimiter(components.rateLimiter, {
// Use sharding to increase throughput without compromising on correctness.
llmTokens: { kind: "token bucket", rate: 40000, period: MINUTE, shards: 10 },
llmRequests: { kind: "fixed window", rate: 1000, period: MINUTE, shards: 10 },
Here we're using 10 shards to handle 1,000 QPM. If you want some rough math to guess at how many shards to add, take the max queries per second you expect and divide by two. It's also useful for each shard to have five (ideally ten) or more capacity. In this case, we have ten (rate / shards) and don't expect normal traffic to exceed ~20 QPS.
Tip: If you want a rate like { rate: 100, period: SECOND }
and you are
flexible in the overall period, then you can shard this by increasing the rate
and period proportionally to get enough shards and capacity per shard:
{ shards: 50, rate: 250, period: 2.5 * SECOND }
or even better:
{ shards: 50, rate: 1000, period: 10 * SECOND }
You can also allow it to reserve
capacity to avoid starvation on larger
requests. Details in the Stack post.
const myAction = internalAction({
args: {
skipCheck: v.optional(v.boolean()),
handler: async (ctx, args) => {
if (!args.skipCheck) {
// Reserve future capacity instead of just failing now
const status = await rateLimiter.limit(ctx, "llmRequests", {
reserve: true,
throws: true,
if (status.retryAfter) {
return ctx.scheduler.runAfter(
// When we run in the future, we can skip the rate limit check,
// since we've just reserved that capacity.
skipCheck: true,
// do the operation
When too many users show up at once, it can cause network congestion, database contention, and consume other shared resources at an unnecessarily high rate. Instead we can return a random time within the next period to retry. Hopefully this is infrequent. This technique is referred to as adding “jitter.”
A simple implementation could look like:
const retryAfter = status.retryAfter + Math.random() * period;
For the fixed window, we also introduce randomness by picking the start time of the window (from which all subsequent windows are based) randomly if config.start wasn’t provided. This helps from all clients flooding requests at midnight and paging you.
Check out a full example here.
See this article for more information on usage and advanced patterns, for example: