AI builds faster, with fewer errors, on Convex.
See AI Coding BenchmarksConvex caters to two planes: its customers, and the people on the other side of the apps built by those customers.
Utilizing Kanit in our logomark, which means mathematics in Thai with a heavier weight to communicate durability and robustness; we reflect our fluency, responsiveness, and reliability through our branding.
Hidden within the logotype’s “x” is a lambda (λ) character, hinting at our background in mathematics and programming.
Download LogoThe Reuleaux triangle — a convex shape created by the intersection of three circles. This shape occurs in nature, and also has applications in architecture, mapmaking, and as a rotor in machinery. The surrounding, tilted shards contribute to this last idea, communicating forward momentum and balance.
Our primary brand colors are leveraged in our logo and used sparingly through our product alongside a range of warm whites and black shades meant to reflect technological nostalgia in an understated manner.
Like many brand kits out there, please don’t alter these files in any shape or form.
Our files intentionally have an invisible bounding border around it to help you understand the necessary clear space for application.
Don’t take liberty on logo colors
Ensure there’s sufficient contrast for the background color, otherwise opt for black and white
Don’t alter the logo